The advantages
of automation
Easy, comfortable, safe.
Simple solutions that live with you.
Antamatic offers a full range of automations for shutters, slat shutters, lift-and-slide doors and interior doors.
The solutions are available both in exposed and recessed versions, in different colours and for the main materials of your doors and windows (wood, PVC, aluminium).
In addition to the standard product range, Antamatic is the perfect partner for custom solutions that require an in-depth study of the design, technical skills and market knowledge.

Live easy
How can I know what's the right solution for me?
We'll take care of it! We will analyse every single window in detail together with our qualified partners and propose the best solution for your needs from our range.
Our products are installed by specialised professionals, like glaziers or electricians, who have undergone training and refresher courses. Thanks to their experience they can guarantee that the automation functions properly for many years.
Can I install Antamatic at my home?
Antamatic is the only company that covers all types of automation of shading systems, so almost certainly those at your home too. Each system has its own story, and it's important for us to have as much information as possible to find the right solution for your needs. The reserved area includes measurements with all the essential indications, to be 100% sure of the feasibility. Contact us for more information.
Antamatic products can be installed both in new buildings and in existing buildings, without expensive masonry work. Just the arrangements can be fitted, postponing installation of the Antamatic solution for the future. They are also compatible with cladding and wooden houses.

Live Comfortably
Everything in our lives is automated nowadays
Think of house gates, car windows, dishwashers. Opening and closing shutters is a daily activity, so why not make this easier too? You can control the opening and closing of your doors and windows, even remotely, with a simple button or app! Summer storms will no longer take you by surprise while you're away from home!
For the elderly and people with limited mobility, comfort will no longer be a luxury.
For them, leaning out of the window to open the shutters or opening a heavy lift-and-slide window can be very difficult. With Antamatic, they can do it comfortably from the sofa.

Live without worries
With Antamatic, you can feel safe in your home
In fact, Antamatic gearmotors are irreversible and cannot be forced from the outside. You can easily integrate them with home automation and control their status directly from your smartphone. They are also compatible with the main electric locks on the market.
You won't have to worry about being crushed
Antamatic automation kits are equipped with an anti-crushing safety system, adjusted at the time of installation, which allows doors to reopen if there are obstacles.
Even your bills will be happy with Antamatic!
Thanks to the optimal thermal insulation, which lets you protect your home from the cold in winter and block out the sun in summer, you'll see a marked saving in your bill.
Antamatic is always there for you and offers continuous support.
Our team of experts and trained Partners will help you with choosing the right solution for you, and with installation and after-sales service.